Friday, January 27, 2006

Things just don't happen as easily to a full-sized iPod.

Not that I'm complaining, but has this ever happened to one of you?

While at work yesterday, I realized that my Nano wasn't in my bag.
Usually, I would have realized a whole lot sooner than that, but just before leaving home yesterday morning I made the unprecedented decision to make the trip in *without* music. I thought my ears could use a break. So when I realized it was missing, I thought that I had probably left it in my locker at the gross gym I had been trying out, and which I had already decided not to join. This did not make me happy. I could call the gym, of course, but what are the chances someone would have turned it in? Plus, I wasn't entirely sure that I hadn't accidentally left it at home. As this gym is conveniently open 24 hours a day, I figured I could wait until I got home to call. So when I got home, I proceeded to rip apart the apartment. And do you know where it was? Up in the toe of my skinny little ballet-slipper-like shoe. It had been removed along with my gym stuff when I'd emptied my bag that morning.

The toe of my shoe? Seriously? I'm starting to think that the older woman I'd sat next to on the train home had the right idea - she did not give the appearance of one who is up on the newest technological gadgets, but she surprised me by pulling out a RAZR phone. And she had it in this huge case! Ginormous! But now, I realize, it was so she wouldn't lose it. Clearly. Because we have now reached the point where our "nifty" little gadgets have gotten so small we have to wrap them in things to make them bigger just so we can find them!

The people who design these tiny-tech. trappings are making a killing off of us. I'm not going to stand for it anymore.

So I'm asking that if any of you come across a purveyor of Get Smart-style shoe phones, please pick one up for me. Ditto with the giant, silver, boxy, early 80's-era boom box. And maybe a British license, so I can't put it in my pocket and lose it. Actually, forget that, how about a laminating machine so I can bring my license up to that size without engaging in international fraud? Then I will easily be able to find all of these important things in my giant purse. Because, as a friend of mine has repeatedly pointed out, my purse is huge. Apparently I'm been compensating for my ever-shrinking gadgets by buying inverse-proportioned purses. At least they're not sports cars . . .
And the boom box can go in my rugby kit bag, because Lord knows I won't be using that for much else anytime soon.

Fight the power!

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